ur president, Lisa Tilt, spoke to members of Roswell Inc.’s Roswell Business Academy (@Roswell_Inc) on the importance of having a social media presence for your company. Social media usage is a key factor in a company’s success and can strengthen brand awareness.
It may seem like every other business is engaging with customers on Facebook, getting connected on LinkedIn, and uploading photos to Instagram—except you. Maybe you’ve set up your accounts and posted some content, but don’t completely understand the value of implementing social media campaigns.
Many organizations trying to go “social” are feeling the same way, wondering: Is this really worth my time? The truthful answer? Absolutely! Social media is the public personality of your enterprise and it can greatly grow your business. Managing and maintaining a brand is critical in attracting more customers, but the process can be simple. Organizations that find the most success in social marketing set realistic goals, choose the best platforms, follow a plan, and monitor results. During the Roswell Business Academy session, we talked about what to do, what not to do, and how to take your social profile to the next level.
An essential starting point when it comes to building a strong social media presence is to analyze your buyer persona. Before you dive into social marketing, you must make sure that your target audience engages with social media, to begin with. Doing in-depth research of your target audience will tell you this and more. Understanding the average age of clients, where they frequently shop and even whether or not they have kids will strengthen your campaigns.
Every element of the buyer persona becomes important when devising an effective and successful marketing plan. Put emphasis on quality over quantity; with the thousands of platforms, use a select few to deeply focus on to build your brand. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook are all powerful tools that have the ability to reach new customers and keep current consumers engaged.
Maintaining a consistent voice across all social media platforms creates a unique tone for your company, and lets customers know what to expect when interacting with your brand. Although it is awesome to remind customers how great of a company you are, mix up posts that have a range of content. For instance, some days you can tweet about your expertise within the industry and other times you can highlight the achievements of other experts. This reminds followers that you not only care about your company, but about the industry as well.
Posting images of employees makes the brand more personable, which makes customers feel connected to the company. Hashtags, now used on most major social media platforms, can help categorize posts and make phrases easy to search. Putting in a few reminders for clients to “like” and engage with social posts doesn’t hurt, either.
Metrics matter when deciding how to approach a new client or campaign. Understanding the marketing goal of your business allows you to prioritize time and produce the best content for your channels. Through social media platforms, you can reach remote audiences, increase customer engagement and be a local trend in your community.
There are numerous ways to use social media platforms to your advantage and build your brand. Implementing visuals and tweeting about industry topics help keep your audience engaged and eager to engage. A simple and captivating LinkedIn post can keep your business on people’s minds and attract new clients. Take your first step into the world of marketing by following @RoswellTilt on Instagram, and brainstorm new ways to perfect your profile on social media.
At the intersection of these goals lies the key to a purposeful and impactful employer brand strategy. We will explore these questions further in blog posts to come. The industry-wide conversation about employer brand strategy is constantly broadening its scope to include more companies and methods. Want to explore the potential of your employer brand? Call us at 404-388-7047.
Social media is the public personality of your enterprise and it can greatly grow your business. Managing and maintaining a brand is critical in attracting more customers, but the process can be simple. Organizations that find the most success in social marketing set realistic goals, choose the best platforms, follow a plan, and monitor results.